Thursday, 16 August 2012

Shouldn't Have Left You

'It's been a long time, we shouldn't have left you, without a dope beat to step to.' Mosley & Garrett. 

The immortal words sung so poignantly by Aaliyah, may she rest in peace, are particularly apt here, although we want it noted that in all other circumstances we find the use of the word "dope," when used in a musically descriptive sense, ridiculous, blame all the SoundCloud users who feel it's usage almost obligatory when commenting on established artists waveforms.

It has been a while since the last post but what with the excitement based around the Olympics we thought it unfair and down right dangerous to provide you with too much stimulation, so we eased off and let the athletes take over for a while. Now, in the post Olympic blues, remembering what it feels like to travel on a packed tube train again and with David Cameron and his band of incompetent morons pissing the "legacy" they've been quoting systematically for the last year in a desperate bid for survival, up the wall, we feel it's time to return with our own form of entertainment sustenance in an attempt to keep the united and friendly community spirit going, the likes never before seen in our generation. So embrace these moments, dance with your neighbour, for we risk loosing these moments of contact with each other forever, moments that nourish communication and breed understanding. 

Okay enough of the soppy stuff, here's the music and to begin with a continuation of a previous theme, a bit of Cameron bashing from The Eyes, aka Manchester own Chimpo and Fox whose full length album is out next week. 

Some more beautiful music from Grizzly Bear, the production on this track giving it a rich echoy sound, like it was recorded in the Albert Hall. 

A really fantastic feel good record that reminds me of bubles running through some form of colourless liquid and as if like magic, transferring it into a range of different colours, or like that trick that's now frowned upon during fireworks night "becasue of the toxins," of tying a load of shopping bags together in a long, prisoners escape style rope, typing it to a branch of a tree and setting it alight to watch the melting plastic drip in almost neon like drops. 

The oddly captivating Need U from Unicorn Kid that pairs distinctly jungle like snares with those euphoria forcing trance synth stabs that create an atmosphere of warm intimidation, like walking into a warehouse party in the middle of nowhere to find that everyone is both high and bigger than you, not helped by that tortured and wailing vocal, like the aduiable screams of fear from the rational part of your brain that was telling you to stay at home all along and watch TV instead. 

Rustie having a wee re-fiddle of his tune After Light taken from his album Glass Swords, so as to better suit the lush comforting voice of Aluna from AlunaGeorge. It's akin to someone whispering into your ear in solace when you've got too drunk at a party and have begun to panic. Do you run home? Do you pretend your okay? Do you try and dance? Or take this nauseous feeling outside? Arhhhhhh to many questions, you're feeling hot, the beats might be shuffling to aggravate this mood but luckily lovely Aluna, the one always getting bread and glasses of water for people or helping them shove fingers down their own throat, is on hand to sooth you panic striken drunken woes. 

The universally overrated Azealia Banks, whose latest mix tape Fantasia wasn't without it's highlight but again demonstrated her over reliance on a whose who in the production world wanting to coat tail the hype and work with her. Her rhymes are stilted and again she's over reliant on words such as bitch and niger to complete her bars and needs to employ shock tactics to give them any sort of effect that might match the depth of the beat. The above new release is just another example of her crude style furiously mouthing off as it tries to keep up with what is a fantastically dark, well executed track. 

Oh and if you haven't heard of the producer of the above track araabMUZIK, then check out this video below for what he's most famous for, image this thing live, it kicks off. 

This remind me of an infinity pool looking over the sea, or sitting in an infinity pool looking over the sea, then I realise that i've never actually done that and yes indeed "baby, in your dreams," is correct, this is the sound of me dreaming of sitting in an infinity pool with a long cool drink looking out to sea. 

This tune is beautifully evil, full of screams and cries like someone has taken a haunted house from your local fairground, plunged it into the nearest lake and thrown a huge transformer in after it. It's hot, frightening, sad and evil yet like a car crash, disturbingly captivating. 

This is what 21st century psycedelica sounds like, taking LSD in the metropolis of modern life with buildings that are attmeping to collapse down upon you and large rains drops splashing off concrete and forming into giant hands that that will grab and toss you under a tram whose face is shaped like a clown like it’s the entertainment at Thomas The Tank Engine's birthday party. The band are rather confusingly called Eygyptian hip-hop, even though they’re from Manchester and make music nothing like hip hop.

Playing the piano in such manner does create incredible drama, forcing you to pay close attention to the words of the singer, living every moment with him as the tune explodes almost silently into a track of mysterious atmospheres and vocal harmonies. A lovely record that becomes almost violent with it's own sense of self pity. 

A slice of upbeat melachony from The Rebel Light. 

A typical TriAngle release with this haunting and ambient tune from Holy Other.

Like an American, mid-western infused Polica with more electric drum beats and plodding bass lines. 

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