Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Frontier Sounds Singles of The Week

Bloom_Jamie xx Rework Part 3 by Radiohead

Delivered as a series of individual 12 inch vinyls and digital downloads, Radiohead have been releasing carefully chosen remixes of their last studio album, The King Of Limbs, as part of a complete package, imaginatively named TKOL RMX 1234567. My first track is the one that got away. The seventh release from this album was a rework of the track Bloom, by Jamie XX, who we know of course from his role in the mercury award winning band The XX. It seems that Jamie had another version that he didn`t finish in time and Bloom, The Jamie XX rework part 3, is that version, although this name suggest there is a part 2 milling about somewhere as well.  
Jamie XX evidently is a man that shouldn`t be rushed, this is far better than his original attempt and thoroughly deserves the title of rework, as thankfully it sounds nothing like the Radiohead version either. He uses Tom Yorke`s wailing vocal very effectively and builds a haunting, textured atmosphere around it. To me it sounds like the magic roundabout, locked in the cupboard of an abandoned church, playing for eternity.
Hold Back / Run Away by The Revival Hour

Also out is this week is this track from DM Stith`s, The Revival Hour Project. This is a magnificent gospel come Nina Simone influenced tune, whose deep texture reminds me of a thick fog harboring all manner of frightening things.

CharliXCX - Nuclear Seasons by charlixcx

A free download now music fans, this time from Charli XCX, whose cracking new single Nuclear Seasons is available at www.charlixcxmusic.com, all you have to do is join the mailing list and it`s all yours.
This young lady is causing quite a stir in the music community at the moment, she writes all her own tracks and not only sings, but plays synth, drums, bass and guitar; all this at the ripe old age of 15. She has already performed in well received live shows hosted by Annie Mac alongside fellow hotly tipped, female youngster, Azealia Banks, so I think we can expect big things, not only from her forthcoming album, but from her as an artist in the future.
Dan Haywood's New Hawks - John's Shoes c/w Superquarry by Qu_Junktions

These tracks are the latest release from Dan Haywoods New Hawks, an ambitious 32 track album out in Decemeber, which will be the project`s first and only release. John`s Shoes is a rousing track, all fiddles, Astral Week-esq Irish country elements intertwined with English folk sentiments and bold expressions. 

It sounds like a hoe down with the love child of Chas or Dave (no ones sure which the farther is) and Joe Pasqualei, and despite on seeing the invite you imagined throwing a lit match into the barn, locking the door and running away, thus doing the gene pool a massive favour; you end up enjoying yourself, dropping your arson kit and getting your line dance, come bop on. Check out the Myspace, full of tracks that explore the folkier elements of the outfit`s sound and poetically navigates the spaces of Scotland that were used as the basis of the project`s inspiration.

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