Friday, 9 December 2011

Frontier Sounds SoundCloud Selections, get on board, visit the site, listen in, like it on facebook, join us on twitter @radiofrontier, love it etc etc.

Trucker Hats Go! DjAslan Remix by DjAslan

Here`s some US hip-hop from Sivion and the DJ Aslan remix of Truckers Hats Go. Aslan is a turntablist by trade, beginning his battling career in 96, a year in which he competed in the DMC World Team Championship with IF2-Immortal Fader Fyters. He is currently in Oklahoma working with Church Boy Entertainment and contributing to Illect Recordings. Many of his mixes are available on SoundCloud.
CRAZY by goodshivelow

What makes someone with an annoying, generically American, middle of the road voice sound better? A swing band that`s what and luckily Eli Becken from Dallas has realized this, hiring some trumpets amongst other things, to form the band Goodshivelow. With an indie base the band have added some much needed brass to create a sound full of soul, you can imagine this being the track that finally rids people of their inhibitions and gets everybody to their feet and onto the dance floor at some awkward dinner come dance in a school hall somewhere. A generation crosser, as grandpa`s dance with teenagers, mother with sons, This is Goodshivelow with Crazy.

Peengh by Pav Dharia

A taste of the sub-continent now with some Electronic tinged Bhangra. On the outskirts of this tune you can hear the modern, electronic sound flirting with the traditional Bhangra body, as if these elements were guests, milling at the edges of the dance floor at a colorful, well attended Indian wedding, making eyes at a girl already promised to wealthier, less slum dog, family.
My only complaint with this track is that it doesn`t evolve these influences enough, I think Pav Dharia who works out of Melbourne Australia, has missed a trick here and I would have liked to have seen this develop into a real bass driven dance number; It`s calling out for a remix perhaps. To give potential remix artists an idea of quality of the base they have to work with this is Pav Dharia with Peengh.

Camille Martin - Trucker by camillemartinoff

This little Daft Punk-esq banger is by Camille Martin from Rennes and sounds like different elements of the office going bizerk. It’s as if the computer, printer, shredder and computer have all suddenly developed a consciousness and means of self-expression and are celebrating the fact it`s a Friday as well. This is fist pumping techno at it`s finest and most fun, so enjoy our SoundCloud Selection of the week.

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