Thursday, 19 January 2012

Frontier Sounds SoundCloud Selections

Ziek(1) by Milos Jonic

My first SoundCloud selection is a dedication to Radio Frontier’s very own Duchess of Dutchness, Fleur, in the form of hip hop from one of her fellow countrymen, Milos Jonic. As previously mentioned here I have a penchant for foreign hip-hp as it introduces my ears to a delightfully larger array of rhyming sounds. I also like to imagine what possibly they might be rapping about and on hearing the twanging banjo on this one I picture Milos spinning some Deliverence-esq yarn about the perils of urban folk underestimating the dangers of the rural. That bubble bursts however, when he slips into English and sights sipping Bacardi in da party and I realise he’s talking the same, tired hip-hop rubbish most rappers do. Shame, this is Zeik (1). 

Jack Haigh and Gemma Tilly make up Leeds based acoustic duo Jack and Gill’s daughter and this track Circles, was written by them back in 2009 but has only just come to my attention. A beautiful song, slaging off those people and everyone knows one, who always think they’re right.

Subwave & Enei - Bring Me Down by Metalheadz

If you’ve got some bass friendly speakers then turn them up now, if your listening through lap-top speakers then you might not fully able to appreciate this next one, an exciting drum and bass collaboration released on Goldie’s spearheading Metalheadz label. Subwave and Enei are two relative new-comers both working from the production hot base that is fast becoming Russia. Normally incorporating dark, hostile and bleakly soviets sounds in their music, Bring Me Down is an un-stereotypically light, upbeat number. Subwave has a new album out on the same label worthy of note.

Sverige by Tanya Auclair

Finally to my SoundCloud Selection of the week for it’s beautiful combination of rolling double base and beautiful vocal, it’s Sverige from Tanya Auclair. Her first EP was made with just a copy of production software fruity loops and a digital recorder but still received rave reviews. This taken from the West Londoners second EP and is available from

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