Monday, 5 March 2012

Frontier Sounds SoundCloud Selections

An unusual starting selection for Frontier Sounds because honestly, I am not the biggest fan of metal but in the interests of appealing to every taste, I am attempting to broaden my horizons and selflessly play something that isn’t necessary my cup of tea. Saying that though, there is something Bizarrely charming about this track from Dope Body called Lazy Slave. Maybe it’s the teasing element, having you think it might kick off at any moment like John Prescott at a WI meeting, but somehow he keeps his cool, smiling awkwardly through the gross hypocrisy of flower arranging taught side by side with feminist ideology. 

Keeping it on the free download flex, my next choice is from a firm Frontier Sounds favourite THEESatisfaction, who keep releasing tantalising free teasers from their forthcoming debut album called awE naturalE out on the 27th March. Enchantruss reminds me of an Alien invasion, with the mechanical bass drone like the machines from War of The Worlds, just as I though of this imagine the lyrics happened to reference Orson Wells, which confirmed that this was a deliberate effect as his 1938 adaptation of the H.G. Wells book is what is said to have made his name. 

One of my favourite pastimes when searching for tracks on SoundCloud is looking at other users comments on tracks, this next selection promoting brilliant outbursts such as ‘oh my,’ ‘Yes yes,’ ‘oooo baby,’ 'sooooooo good,’ ‘oooooh my days,’ and my favourite, ‘it’s just a bit sexy really, isn’t it?’ Well Ferryman a.k.a Epico, I couldn’t agree with you more. This is Totem by Dark Sky out at the end of March on Black Acre Records.

Finally as we wave gleefully goodbye to winter and beckon in spring, our musical tastes must adjust accordingly. My SoundCloud selection this week therefore is this delightfully funky, jazz hip-hop piece called Apples and Pears by Susurrus, sweet as summer itself.

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