Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Thanks MCA

Quite simply without MCA and The Beastie Boys this blog or mix would not exist; they are therefore dedicated to week to Adam Yauch. 

 And for those who wish to download for your chosen MP3 device, well lets face it, it's going to be an apple product.

Frankie Rose – Apples For The Sun (The Go! Team Remix)
The Beastie Boys – Intergalactic
Alphabets Heaven – Genggeng
Heavenly Beat – Messiah
We Are Standard – Bring Me Back Home (Age Of Consent Mix)
Saint Savour – Reasons (Marabou State Remix)
Dems Remix – God Of Loneliness
Space Ladies – Fields
Thomas Barfod – November Skies feat Nina Kinert
Elliphant – TeKKo Scene feat Adam Kanyama
Drake – Crew Love feat The Weeknd (Star Slinger Remix)
Alphabet Heaven – Woman (Robot Koch’s Around The Moon Remix)
Menik – Addict
Angel Haze – Higher
Mayhem Lauren feat Himanshu and Action Bronson – Special Effects (Produced by Harry Fraud)
Ditt Inre – Manljus (saknad)
Twin Shadow – Five Seconds
Major Lazer – Get Free feat Amber of Dirty Projectors
The Stoops – Free (Xsessiv Remx)
Mikal – Head Banger
Terminal State – Unwritten Law

Yes yes another Submotion remix but Ruby Wood's voice lends itself so well to being remixed, especially on this lush, deep roller from Alix Perez as featured on Friction's Radio 1 dnb show, amazing, be interesting to see if this get a release, here's hoping so. The original ain't half bad either.

Pretty hard to pick just one tune to remember MCA by so this pretty slick Medley is by far a more fitting tribute. I was genuinely sad to hear about his passing, no shit when I was younger a real career aspiration of mine was to be a Beastie Boy. One of my earliest and fondest musical memories, I can still picture myself sitting on the floor in front of the TV now, was watching the Intergalactic video for the first time, with that fish eye lens and all in one hazard suits and aggressive rapping motions and thinking it was the coolest thing I had ever seen, probably still is. From there on in I was obsessed, getting into their back catalogue and hip-hip in general. 

It was sad watching some of their earliest performances, notably one on the Joan Rivers shows and seeing them just mucking about as carefree kids do, as it was reminder that no one can avoid the inevitability of time, that no one can avoid the evaporation of youth toward old age and mortality. Saying that, 47 is by no means old, especially for some one still so active, another Beastie album was on the way. He will be missed; thanks for the music MCA. For a good little bio featuring some tunes, the hilariously negative, conservative reaction to the group back in the 80's and some tributes, look no further than here

Is it the wonderful stabbing synths that makes this compelling? Or the intermittent bass? Or the glitchy harmonious vocal? Or the simple clean drum beat? I probably think it's all of these things working together, beautiful. 


Come on boys grow up, this is some horrible Kasabian, Hard - Fi (who? Yeah I had fucking forgotten about them as well until I heard this) love child, born unto parents who have long since given up on life, especially music. 

Born into a depression, Wind Cries Mary world of headline tours at V festival and sold out T4 shows where either twelve year olds or people who look like Greg James or that other wanker, Grimmy, sing along to your tunes in plaid shirts, red chinos and stupidly wicked up hair hoping it won't be too long till they can say something like "random," or "epic fail," again.

This is the sound of strolling down the road towards the local corner shop, knowing full well they only pay out on winning lottery tickets that are less than a 100 quid, gloating as you go and promising everyone you meet a fair share of your cash.

Some nasty industrial business on this one Headbanger, like the Deceptacons from Transforms taking a load of ketamin by accident thinking it was antirust powder and actually liking it. I saw that film the other day and jesus christ is it shit, if you look at just the editing alone (forget the acting, plot, costume, sexism, gratuitous sexism, massive lets all stare at the fit bird fixing a car sexism, pointless inconsequential action and shear uncontrolled noise), it's like the directors dog was trying to do them all a favour by eating all the film, only to have it sneezed out of by some pepper placed in his Pedgree Chum, landing in some form of order on the wall, which the team took one look at and thought, "good enough for us," opening up another beer, turning up the football and shouting at poor Megan Fox to bring them more cheese strudels wearing only an apron.  

Mikal's second tune, The Chant, is more like the Decpetacons taking way too much into the K hole where they kick massive metal footballs around a city full of phallic sky scrapers or what ever it is that turns massive alien robots on these days

This 17 track project from producer 184 called Where's My Parade features lyrics from the cream of UK hip-hop, Jehst, Stig Of The Dump, Wordsmith, Dr Syntax and Chester P to name but a few. You can stream it all above or press the buy button and own it forever and ever for the extremely reasonable sum of just a fiver.

Not such a fan of Sell Your Soul, a bit too minimal for me, too many airy high synth chords and not enough pronounced bass; even when it does come in a little later with a jaunty little sequence it seems muted. However, Guillotine more than makes up for it with that wobbling bass that reminds me of the Wibbles or something, little creatures in penguin like groups shuffling about in random circles and making pointless noises at each other; now that makes me smile.

Cool, obscure production on this from Animal Collective, full of playfully interesting sounds like comical springs being pinged into puddles of water. Lots going on, I would expect nothing less.

Again there is plenty of depth in the production of this, the rain in the background providing ambience, a plodding bass drum, the occasional sound of a ghost passing by, gospel like synths and plucking guitars and percussion all create a surprisingly upbeat atmosphere. 

I love the juxtaposition of the "do da ba dum," 50's harmonies, with the depressing lyrical content.

This beautifully atmposheric, dream like track is ruined by Bearcubs obsession with the gain, an intermittent cutting in and out effect like what it's going to sound like when I bash their midi keyboard into their heads. The rest of the tracks on their SoundCloud don't have the same issues thank god. 

This has a rousing quality to it, like Lou Reed has given up the smack and become a spokesman for the Isle Of Dogs Independence Party. 

Come on you know you can't deny how good that bass line is?

Really deep, rumbling bass line and female vocal combo; I never stood a chance. 

This is a track about hair extensions and the incorrect semantics of those who claim "that ain't your hair." Absolute genius. There is also a remix featuring Lioness and other female grime artists. 

She's like a French - Canadian Bjork, amazing vocal and arguably even better production, as recommended by Jekyll, whose killer double A is out now on Diffrent and whose guest mix for Kmag can be downloaded here

Give this some time, just look at the waveform, it soon gets so dramatic, moving and loud. 

I Love It. 

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