Thursday, 29 September 2011

Franky Fresco - Maldita Lisiada

Franky Fresco - Maldita Lisiada by frankyfresco

I'm openly not the biggest fan of what is often commercially considered dubstep. I find too often that producers, keen to jump on the band wagon, seem to think dubstep should be an assortment of obnoxious sounds pushed at full force through a frequency oscillator. The result is the audio equivalent of having a rabid dog barking at your ankles; if you expose yourself for it for too long your going to end up sick of life and foaming at the mouth.

These little gem's from Frankie Fresco have tried to resist this predictable temptation by flirted lightly with it, before smashing the pitch up and embracing the light. His use of airy, breezy synths and pleasant electronic noises make for a far from obnoxious sound. I like the homage to the 'stereotypical' sound, the way it which is cheekily mocked before being deconstructed into a breath of fresh air; which is what this piece is as a whole, in the context of dubstep.

There a plenty more tracks of differing genres on frankyfresco's SoundCloud, all with the same fun loving attitude. If the tone of a piece of music reflects the location in which it's produced, then sod the dark, bleak, disease riddled UK, I'm off to join the party in Mexico. Hasta luego.

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