Friday, 30 September 2011

'3 Hours' - From Mary Anne Hobbs Xfm show

'3 Hours' - From Mary Anne Hobbs Xfm show by emika

Just a quick nod to he current undisputed Queen of sub bass. Her tracks are extremely impressive, with a rich and powerful use of bass, a love of vocals and an inventive use of percussion and rhythm. Her debut album is being released from the Ninja Tune Label and is available from iTunes from today and all sane record shops on Monday.

This is a little tease as played on Mary Anne Hobbs's show, expect to here a lot more tracks from her self titled debut album during her set on Tom Ravenscroft's BBC Radio 6 show, tonight from 9. So for those washing their hair or just too broke to go out like me, this will make for a thrilling alternative to Gardener's World.

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