Monday, 6 February 2012

Frontier Sounds Singles Selections

In a complete contrast to last week where I was struggling to find singles I liked, this week there was an absolute abundance. Straight to it then, with some delightfully playful house from a young duo by the name of Disclosure. I hope this will put the sunshine and goodness back in your heart, love that Barry Wight, “Sexy lover,” vocal. This track Tenderly is released on what is fast becoming my new favourite label, Make Mine. 

Make Mine have an other release out this week in the form of Idiom Wind by Zammuto, must be a play on Dylan's Idiot Wind. 

To something a bit more poppy now with Know Me by Frankie Rose, a track which manages to be both up lifting and Smiths like in it’s melody and depressing and downbeat like Morrissey at MacDonald’s with lyrical content a delivery. She features also on a mix I just made which you can download for free just scroll down the blog page.

Distorted Cymbals is the latest release from Washington based Mount Eerie, otherwise known as multi instrumentalist Phil Elverum. This track is beautiful in it’s simplicity and highlights the effectiveness of panning in Stereo sound, as the cymbal crashes and electric guitar chords swap from left two right, tickling you senses like popping candy on your tongue. 

To my single of the week which quite rightly is being played everywhere and is one of the finer, cross over, broad appeal singles I’ve heard in a while, it is of course Goyte with Somebody That I used To Know. Believe it or not this was originally sung by fellow Aussy Danni Manogue and has been a forgotten masterpiece on her back catalogue un till now. Just to spice things up this is Starfuckers remix and my Single of the week, Somebody That I Used to Know

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