Monday, 27 February 2012

Frontier Sounds Singles Selections

The wonderfully lo-fi Dirty White, the title track of Sisterland’s latest EP and sounding like it’s been recorded using the fella’s microwave, if that microwave was the smuggest microwave in world! The microwave is pleased with itself because after years of heating poorly prepared potatoes and stinking Iceland ready meals, which inevitably explode, spilling their gloopy residue all over it’s innards, it has been lovingly cleaned and restored by a musical mad man, who coats it with lashings of Mr Muscle and uses it solely for the purpose of recording lo-fi pop perfection.

Maia - Living In The Alligator from Maia on Vimeo.

A bit of folk-pop from Maia and Living In The Aligator. When I was looking for a source to embed, I came across the video and to my delight discovered that Daily Frontier’s very own George Powell appears to be moonlighting as the bands banjo player; I had always suspected. Watch and catch a glimpse of this notoriously reclusive celebrity yourself.  

Free download now From Dave Earnhardt Jr Jr, just visit their Facebook page, like them and it's all yours. Speaking of Facebook likes, congratulations to Radio Frontier for smashing through the 2,000 mark last week. If you haven’t done so already then do so now, and tell a fiend to tell a friend to tell a friend.

Now normally I don’t find cross-dressing funny, not that it freaks me out or disgusts me; it just isn’t funny. I’ve only done it once myself and I was bullied into it by some drunk Australian’s on a boat, where escape was no option and I feared they might throw me over board if I objected. However, this song by The Magnetic Fields is all about cross dressing and is funny, as funny as it is tragic. A brilliant song about a man who discovers the only woman he’s ever truly loved is his best mate in drag. 

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