Wednesday, 1 February 2012

New mix to follow, watch this space

Wistful is pretty much the only way I can describe this track, an elastic band ball of nostalgia which bounces higher and higher the more you play with it. The home-movie style video is not helping here either, it's the type of thing you would dread coming on the telly after a particularly brutal night before, leaving you sobbing in shame at your complete and utter slobbery, too idle to grab the remote that fell just out of arms reach and too brain dead to leave the house and communicate with others. 

This sounds like the Thunderbirds took a wrong turn somewhere in the Pacific and, drunk after a few too many celebratory Appletinis, flew into the cave with the weird trippy pagans from Indian Jones and The Temple of Doom, thinking it was Tracey Island. 

Bit of an old one, well a year or so but I thought I would share it after stumbling upon it again the other day.

For my headphone moment of the day, defiantly not an idea I stole off Lauren Laverne's 6Music show, is Essay and CoMa. This is a free download, so fill your boots. I'm keeping a close eye on Essay as i'm really enjoying the ambient, soundscape coming from this producer in the last few months. 

Something a little more upbeat now, with an Opiou, funky instrumental hip hop flex to it. Imagine if that half-real human, half-CGI bloke from that lame car advert was kidnapped and transferred into a Tron like world where the music was actually decent. Coming to terms with his new environment (i.e. a place where the music is good and people don't respect lines about cars that make pasta) he has to break dance his way to freedom, learning some real skills and ditching his twat like attitude on the way, un till finally, like a twenty-first century Pinocchio, he transforms into a real boy and gets a desk job at a bank.

Even if you don't listen to this track you have to appreciate his name. This is a frightening piece of music, it's like a Michael Flatley based nightmare where you're the only normal sized person in a world of tiny Leprechaun children, who in a monotone droll chant "I don't like you," or maybe "I love you" or "touch you," arhhh no, don't touch me, please, no, no anything but that, i'll dance, i'll be that bloke that runs up the wall and flips over it and hope that I slip and break my neck, escaping this hell. 

Reminds me of a more depressing, realistic, lo-fi Ladyhawk.

Well isn't this lovely without his sister, slash wife, slash child bashing about in the background on Baby's First Drum Kit. Obviously immensely talented his first solo debut album is out in April I believe. The first few bars of this sounds like Son of A Preacher Man; just an observation if you had the name dancing on the tip-of-ya-tounge. 

This just released is a cover of Roxy Music's Avalon which features an equally banging funk remix of Love Is The Drug on the B Side, bound to bouncing around dance halls all over the country this weekend.

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